MegaETH Contribution Opportunities

Creators: Contribute in Mega Studio!

- Find and Create Moments: Capture key moments from our Discord, CT, podcast appearances, or create your own lore in | mega-meme
- Bring Your Artistic Vision: Create original artwork in | mega-art (Less random ChatGPT prompts, more original creations).
- Content Creation: Collect insights and research for long/short-form text content in | mega-write.
- Quick Edits: Produce quick edits and shareable clips in | mega-video.
- Focus on Quality: Remember—quality over quantity!
- For examples of quality content, take a look at | mega-spotlight.
- Engage with others' MegaETH content, spread the word, and show support!
- Ways to Engage: Reply, Quote Tweet, and Share community tweets & content on your socials.
- High-quality tweets and content can be found in | mega-raids and | mega-spotlight.
- Post screencaps or links of your Replies, Quote Tweets, and Shared Content in | mega-contribute.
- Community Growth: Follow each other on socials, make friends, and engage with each other's content!
MegaMafia Contribution